Thursday 17 January 2013

Fresh Seafood

Fresh Seafood About
Fresh Seafood (photo by Sister Rahel, courtesy of
Can you create a savory seafood dinner for under $25? If you’re up to the challenge, here’s a chance to win a cash prize, get your recipe published, and support a great cause in one fell swoop.
Food & Water Watch is calling for all creative cooks to participate in this year's Get Cookin' contest: Frugal Fish! This time last year they asked for your best sustainable seafood recipes and then published the winners in their booklet, Fish & Tips.
This year’s contest recognizes our tough economic times, but they want to show “you can eat well and have fun, even when you're on a budget.” So they want you to show them your best sustainable seafood dinner for under $25.
Send in your most delicious seafood recipe that doesn't break the bank -- using, of course, sustainable seafood! Food & Water Watch has a Smart Seafood Guide to help you figure out which types of fish are good for you and our planet, so be sure to use the seafood cited in their Guide!  

Fresh Seafood
Fresh Seafood
Fresh Seafood
Fresh Seafood
Fresh Seafood
Fresh Seafood
Fresh Seafood
Fresh Seafood
Fresh Seafood
Fresh Seafood
Fresh Seafood
Fresh Seafood


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