Thursday 10 January 2013

sea food web

Sea Food Web Info.
Biotic Structure
The Ocean / Ecological Regulation »
Biotic structure describes the way organisms interact within an ecosystem. The opposite of biotic is abiotic, which includes the physical and chemical factors present in the environment. Every organism in a species has a limit of tolerance, zone of stress, and optimum range for the abiotic factors present in its environment. Ecosystems can be simplified into three basic groups of organisms: producers, consumers, and decomposers. Some organisms can be in more than one category.
The definition of an ecosystem is a group of living organisms existing in a network of interactions with each other and their environment. The three feeding relationships are the food chain, the food web, and trophic levels. Non-feeding relationships can be defined as symbiotic or competitive.

 Sea Food Web
Sea Food Web
Sea Food Web
Sea Food Web
Sea Food Web
Sea Food Web
Sea Food Web
Sea Food Web
Sea Food Web
Sea Food Web
Sea Food Web
Sea Food Web 

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