Thursday 17 January 2013

Sea Monkey Food

Sea Monkey Food Detail
What is it about sea-monkeys? Whenever I mention them in a post, they seem to hijack the comments; it's all anyone ever talks about then. Not to mention one of my most popular posts (ever) is about sea-monkeys. I've noticed a similar thing on other blogs that have talked about sea-monkeys. Even if it's just a single short sentence, all the comments will be about sea-monkeys and totally ignore the rest of the post. The image to the right was taken just yesterday (March 5th), and is 2 of my adult male sea-monkeys. Click it to view full.
As some of you may remember from an old post, I've had sea-monkeys for a very long time, easily 11 years now. I started to run low on food, and instead of buying another starter kit again for just the food packet, I decided to order directly from Transcience Corporation.
I decided upon the Medicine Chest kit and a packet of Super Food. The Medicine Chest included 4 packets; Gro-Kwikly, Plasma III, Red Magic Vitamins, and Sea-Medic Medicine. I was most interested in the Red Magic Vitamins. It's suppose to turn the sea-monkeys red, so I thought maybe they will be easier to see.

Sea Monkey Food
Sea Monkey Food
Sea Monkey Food
Sea Monkey Food
Sea Monkey Food
Sea Monkey Food
Sea Monkey Food

Sea Monkey Food

Sea Monkey Food
Sea Monkey Food

Sea Monkey Food

Sea Monkey Food 

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